RCDS Nürnberg
The Ring Christlich-Demokratischer Studenten Nürnberg e.V. is a non-profit political university group of the WiSo. We actively participate in shaping university politics at our university and run in the university elections every year. In addition, we meet regularly to exchange ideas on current topics and see ourselves as a network of committed students. We also organize various events such as pub crawls, semester opening parties, speed dating, and freshman information evenings.
Are you curious or would you like to get to know us personally? Just drop by! Most of the time there is always someone in the office, room 2.228, Lange Gasse 20.
RCDS Nuremberg – more than just studying.
- Email: wiso-rcdsnuernberg@fau.de
- Website: https://www.rcds-bayern.de/nuernberg/